A Gift To You - My 7 Implant Flap Designs Cheat Sheet
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Hi doctor,
I just got back from Chicago. Beautiful and inspiring city!
I presented at the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AAOMS). The course was sold out with 30 oral surgeons who wanted to learn about soft tissue procedures.
I talked about how I apply simple periodontal techniques in implant surgery. Basically, I showed them how to wear a periodontist’s hat when they operate.
This was a great opportunity from me to learn from oral and maxillofacial surgeons.
Their questions were excellent and it taught me that even doctors at the highest level are constantly striving to get better and be successful.
One of the critical things in implant surgery is flap design.
Some consider a flapless approach simple. It’s true but also takes planning and involves an accurate circular incision.
- When can you use the “punch” approach?
- What instruments do use for it?
- Where exactly?
- When is it contraindicated?
Have you wondered why this is not taught? It’s because some think “it’s basic and obvious”.
Not at all.
Flap and incision designs are critical and make a big difference. Every incision you make should have a purpose and a goal in mind.
Attached with this e-mail is my quick implant flap review. It’s a “cheat” sheet to give you an idea about the options.
There is much more to learn and understand. I summarized 7 different options for flap designs. It really depends on the tissue quantity/quality, implant position and the protocol you will be using.
Let’s start by understanding the 7 options here and then I can go over the details.
This cheat sheet will be on my LinkedIn page.
“SurgicalMaster Flap Design options”
I look forward to giving you the important details about each approach.
When do I use each one and what is the reasoning behind it.Sometimes there are more than a few options (there are actually many more options but no need to get confused at the moment).
Let me know if you have questions and I’ll be in touch.
To your surgical success!
Ziv Simon, DMD, MSc
Creator of SurgicalMaster™, Surgical training for dentists