Blueprint for creating maximum tissue around an esthetic zone implant

Mini flaps, papilla sparing, tissue rotation vs. tissue excision, implant depth ...

Check out this video where I go over 7 things you can do to maximize tissue around your implants.


Stage 2 surgery. Most of the time you don't need it because you should be placing healing caps instead of cover screws. That way you eliminate the need for a second surgery...

But if you do implants, you will need to do stage 2 surgery because some cases needed a cover screw to maximize chance of implant success, a decision undertaken at the time of implant placement.  

Now when it comes to stage 2 surgery your goal here is create as much attached gingiva as possible on the buccal aspect of the implant crown. This is done by a crestal incision that is more lingually transposed. A great example is the case you see in the pictures below. 

There are variations to the situations that present themselves. However, one thing should always remain and that is preservation and even building of papilla. And esthetically speaking for those who show their upper teeth more, the most important papilla is the papilla between 8 and 9 (front upper centrals). 

Your incision design needs to take into account how much attached gingiva to you have, the position of the dental implant, and the preservation of papilla/avoidance of recession when possible.

When you know what the next most important thing to focus on is, and when you know how to do it, you feel a great sense of confidence and freedom.

This is fun, impactful stuff and all you need is the proper foundational knowledge mixed with sharpening your logic and thought process when it comes to implant dentistry.

As for the hand skills, well you already earned those when you put yourself through dental school!

So congratulations, what's standing between you and what you want is only you.

So make the decision NOW to join the IBM. This is straight up the most honest to God, straight forward, and powerful program that will help you jumpstart and speed your growth as a dentist who does implants and surgery. 

To your surgical success!


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See below some questions that came up recently about the Implant Blueprint Mentorship Program. We have now welcomed several hundreds of dentists from around the world that enjoy a full year mentorship in implant surgery and a 1 day preceptorship in Dr. Simon's office.

To Join the Implant Blueprint Mentorship Program click below

Join hundreds of dentists that are getting mentored on implant surgery, extractions, bone, and tissue grafting surgeries. These dentists are fast-tracking their growth in implant dentistry by implementing the clear and easy to do blueprints inside the IBM Program. 

Enjoy and benefit from the monthly coaching webinars, visit Dr. Simon's practice as part of the preceptorship and more than anything start placing implants at a top level and grow your practice NOW!

This program is a no brainer for any dentist serious about gaining more confidence in implant dentistry.

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